Infinite & Finite – By Uheina

Today for Maths, we focused on learning how to understand infinite & finite numbers. Whole numbers are numbers that start from 0 and count on like 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on. Counting/natural numbers are similar to whole numbers but they start counting with 1. Integers are a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative or zero. A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction where both the numerator & the denominator are integers and the denominator is not equal to zero. Lastly is the irrational numbers, the meaning of irrational is not having a ratio.

Probability – By Uheina

Today, Team Tui did Probability Games and had 3 rotations which were playing cards, greedy pig and bottle flipping. My favourite rotations were bottle flipping and greedy pig because those were the rotations that had rewards (lollies). Greedy pig was an activity where you had to roll a dice and add it up to 50. If we rolled the dice and got 1 then we had to restart and reset to 0. My second fav activity was bottle flipping. We needed to count how many times we failed to land the bottle and count how many times we landed it. We used a tally chart to calculate our data but the most thing everyone was interested to do is to film ourselves flipping the bottle. If we land the bottle on camera then we will be rewarded 2 lollies.

Prototech Maths – Amanaki

For Maths we had the choice to choose hit the button or prototec and I chose prototec. This is an online website that helps to consolidate the number strategies we learnt in Maths. In prototec, I tried stage seven but my goal for the next time I do prototec is get one hundred percent. I was so close from getting to 100 so thats my goal for next time. Practicing stage seven was really fun for Maths.

Using A Compass To Create Circles – By Jaydon

Today me and my buddy Vake used a compass to create different sized of circles. We found out that circles are made out of infinate dots that are connected together. We also found out that there are 4 main parts of the circle and 4 other parts. These parts are: The Circumference, Diameter, Radius and Sector. The other 4 parts are: Chord, Tangent, Arc and Segment. I look forward to the create part where we have the opportunity to experiment using a compass to create unique patterns.

Understanding Cartesian Plane – By Team Tui #NumberTalks

For our Team Tui number talks today, we learnt what the x-y axis were on a cartesian plane. We learnt how to put points on the graph using co-ordinates. We also looked at what ‘Reflection’ meant. Reflection was covered in Term 1 but we had a refresher moment to understand that reflection refers to an object thats flipped to create a mirror or congruent image. We finished off the session by reflecting points on the y-axis.

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